Sunday 23 September 2018

Sparkling Plan : Travelling to Tokyo

It's been a while since I blogged and I know there was a time when I wanted to change myself but as usual, I fell into a plateau and decided not to change. Well, I realized that the reason why I failed in changing my lifestyle and changing myself was because my life has become a cycle of boredom. I practice a lifestyle that was the same for the past less than 20 years ago. It was always waking up, go to work, eat and sleep. There was never anything exciting happening in my life. Plus, work has always been crazy stressful but that's a whole different story that I do not wish to share. Mostly because this blog is not for me to rant about my work or the people in my life but really about the world away from my personal life. So without truly thinking through and of course after having to suffer from Bell's Palsy, I guess I hit rock bottom with my life and I want to climb up again.