Tuesday 30 October 2018

Unicorn Diary : That Tokyo Experience


My Tokyo trip was over almost more than a week ago but as usual, considering my hectic and busy lifestyle or commitments, I was unable to truly sit down and think of the little Japan experience that I had. Some people told me that me travelling overseas would help to ease those tension that has been building up inside me. Some said that it might be an eye opening experience when I get home. A few long days has passed and I can only conclude that my short tip to Tokyo was both relaxing and eye-opening.

There were many things that I picked up whilst I was there but I definitely did not get that 'Eat, Pray, love' experience (although I did meet the love of my life). Nonetheless, it was enough for me albeit it was short (which means I will need to go again).

Tokyo was exhilarating for me. The days were going on very fast. Probably too fast for me because now that I am home, I realized how much I really misses Japan so much and how many things I wasn't able to do. It was the first time since for so long that I have experience a few days without worrying about anything or anyone (don't get me wrong, I worried about my family the most while I was in Japan). It was the first time in so long I was able to do things for myself and have myself a clear mind while doing things that I never thought I would ever have done. 


From enjoying tasty dishes along the way (hence the reason I never lost a single pound) to walking around the town without a single guide, besides our dearest friend who have been in Japan before and to just breathe in the sweet Japan air. Did I mention also meeting one of my dream man and experiencing a disastrous natural disaster? They always say God works in mysterious ways and even though I am not the most pious person in the world, I am amazed how Allah lined up the stars for us. There was good and bad but when I got back home, I was smiling to myself because in short period of time, He allowed me to experience things that are just amazing. Although if there was something that I would regret about my short trip, it's probably the fact that we don't get to see Mount Fuji or the great Shinjuku Garden.

In short, my Tokyo trip was just an incredible escape for my mind, my soul and my body. Granted, when I got home my entire body was aching so much but despite so, my mind and my heart felt lighter and for me, I found a new perspective about life. Of course the Sassy Sparkling Unicorn will never change, not even for Japan, but it was definitely a great change of environment for me.

The Sparkling Unicorn

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