Sunday 9 July 2017

Sparkling Project Two : A Change of Lifestyle

The time has come or it should come for me to start on a new journey. A journey to make a difference for myself. A change for my own benefit. I have the the tools, the directions and the plan. What I currently lack is the motivation and the jump start. In order to initiate this new change of lifestyle for me and in me, there seem to be a lot that I have to sacrifice.

I am not one who is interested in diet. I am also not one who is ever ashamed or careful about my physique. I am aware that I have plumped up and gained a few pounds but I am also aware that I am not unhealthy...yet. But for the past few months and years, I have been suffering from slightly severe skin problems. Notably it is called eczema. Apparently, according to my specialist, I have not suffered from severe eczema yet but I am neither that safe. What I need to do is first to change my diet. 

Six whole months with no sugar and dairy and daily intake of blueberries (apparently the best cure for skin problems). Worst of all, I have to avoid any intake of rice, flour, bread and other related food for an entire month. This is why I am still pushing back the start of my new change. On top of that, I have to also do early mornings workout i.e. breeze walking around the park and change my bed sheets and pillowcases weekly in order to improve my skin condition. 

Thus the reasons why I am still a little lazy to start on this newly recommended change. But time is running out for me and I really need to start...soon. Which brings me to the reason why I decided to blog about this. I am going to blog my weekly changes and improvements mainly for my own records. But hopefully, along the way I will soon learn about the reasons behind my changes like the benefits of blueberries and the types of food that helps to cure my eczema and of course perhaps, a few simple recipes that could benefit others with skin problems like me. 

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